Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tokyo---The dream city still lives up to her name - Ding Yiyin

Tokyo, the city which has always been ranked as one of the most splendid metropolitan city in the world had recently become the city under threat. The 3.11 earthquake in northeast Japan and the Fukushima nuclear crisis has once again put Tokyo under the lime light of the world and this time it is not pleasant.
Many foreigners moved out or temporarily evacuated out of Tokyo after the earthquake. Over two months have gone after the crisis, how is life in Tokyo now?
Landing in the evening at Narita Airport the hall was less crowded than usual. But we were still greeted with the impeccable service. The most convenient city transportation method --- metro still runs according to the time table and I was able to arrive home on time.
The summer has kindly greeted the city and there are flowers everywhere. It is so rare to see so many diverse colors and types of flowers in any city in China. They were always a dull monotone. But it is a great delight to walk in the clean and quiet neighborhood in countryside Tokyo and enjoy the blooming flowers coming out of people’s open yard. And lovely encounters with people walking out their cute akita dogs.

The supermarket has once again stacked with abundant products including water. The city functions as before and people with black-tie looks rushing to the metro station for work … It looks as if Pandora box has never been opened and life carries on just as before….
But if you observe really carefully you could still detect some minor changes: the beverage vending machines you could see everywhere in Tokyo now runs without lighting on the products. Some escalators have temporarily turned off to save the electricity as well as lighting in the metros during the day time. Japanese would include some northeast cities like Sendai into their travel destinations. You could see posters online and in the city about the spirit of a strong Japanese nation.

From what I observe I have confidence that this country will once again recover from the disaster and Tokyo will still not disappoint you with her unique charms.

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