Thursday, January 20, 2011

Japanese way of treating costumers (Lin Te Kuan)

      I believe foreigners in Japan are all pleased with the attitude of the workers in shops. The workers in shops smiles all the time, talking in the politest and sweetest voice, bowing so many times that even the foreign customers feel a little bit nervous. In fact, Japanese way of treating customers is really impressive and it even becomes one special thing in Japan.
      Smile. This is something I can never forget about Japanese. Japanese smile has a particular way that distinguishes them from other countries smile. If one says American smile is outgoing and passionate, then Japanese smile is sweet and polite. This is something I still cannot figure out. In Taiwan, every time my friends and I see someone smiling, we can immediately tell that “That person must be Japanese.” And we were almost right all the time. After I came to Japan, I am stunned that Japanese do have a special way of smiling that pleases people. And because of this Japanese style of sweet and polite smile plus some training, Japanese become the best workers for customers.
      Japanese are also known for bowing. In other countries, it’s hardly to see that so many people bowing to each other in the same time. But in Japan, even young people also bow to people who are a little bit order than them. At first, I felt uncomfortable and uneasy when other people bow to me. Because in Taiwan only when someone do something really great and people with great grateful want to thank he or she will bow in a way to show their thankfulness. But in Japan even I go into a shop without buying anything, after I come out the shop keeper still bows to me. I used to be nervous when people bow to me. But as I get used to it, I realize that bowing is actually a cultural action so I don’t have to overreact. Now I can also bow to people in daily life to show politeness!
       Japanese is a slow and soft language that makes people feel classy and elegant. Japanese has polite form and normal formal in their language. It shows that Japanese really care about politeness. In my point of view, Japanese workers in the shops always talk in Japanese in the softest and politest way to make customers feel comfortable and being respected. They talk in the voice that is not so loud, slow pace and polite. So some of my friends even say that in Japan they can get the best customer service in the world! And I personally love the way they talk and I really want to learn Japanese in that way! I
      Japan is really a country being famous for their way of treating costumers. After I come to Japan, I can really agree with that and enjoy being served in the best way all customers can get! This is something I found really cool about Japan.

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