Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This is cool about Japan (Yo Yo)

Airplane landed at Narita airport on Sep.15th.  I finally got here after more than 10 hours flying. From handing study abroad application until I step on the land for real, it has been almost a year. Riding the express from Narita to Tokyo station and then transferring to Takadanobaba station. Finally we got to meet Japanese students who were volunteering for pick up. Stayed in hotel, had orientation, meet host-family, took short trip to Kamakura and other places. More than two months have passed; Japan has brought surprise, fresh, excitement and confusion every day, every possible moment.
Japanese Fashion, girls are wearing leggings everyday while they are surprised that Americans wear shorts and wandering if they feel cold. I went to Shibuya with my friend. While we arrived the station, my friend said:”welcome to Japan, welcome to Shibuya, any style of dressing is not a surprise here”. To be honest, American is the most tolerant country in my view. However, fashion is nothing about tolerance. You can see guys with handbags and skinny pants everywhere. With same clothing, Japanese are showing unique J-fashion by their special way of matching clothes.
City styles’ areas are formed around every train station, where you can find every elements that is belong to the term of “city.” Every station is like a city center, around the station, there are all you want. There are department, supermarket, museum, restaurant, city hall…around the train station I am using. In the Japanese word of “Machi,” the meaning perfectly fits the term of “City” in English.  
You suppose to make noises while having noodles to appreciate the taste. Even though I have not got used to that sounds and too afraid to try, this is still a little symbolic of Japan. Even 60 years old person can walk faster than me. Especially in Tokyo, in such a busy city, every one lives in speed live. Catching trains, buses, commuting between different works, reading books in the train, those are too much for a girl such like me, who grew up in a tiny town. I have to also jogging a little while I am walking with my host-mom who is turning 70 years old. Can this be the reason why everyone is so skinny in Japan? My favorite thing is Japan except food is Purikura, those J-style quick photo taking machines. 400 yen, 10 minutes, whatever how many people, you get this hand-size paper with all cute decoration and your photos on it. This is such a nice way to keep great moment in your life. 
Japan is more than awesome. Although, it does include some parts that I don't like or agree. However, as soon as I will knock into a cool surprise once a while, why not?

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